If I could choose my doctor, I’d like it to be Rachel Naomi Remen. She writes with a rare mix of elegance and tenderness. Her work is a shimmering oasis in the vast desert of content that surrounds us. If you need a warm, life-affirming break from scrolling through overnight oat videos on Instagram, turn to […]
This Single Question Will Help You Feel Wealthy Right Now
As I tried on several items from the clothing store my parents own, I marvelled at how I’d failed to notice the pretty things they sell. It was almost summer. I’d been thinking my wardrobe could use an upgrade and hadn’t considered that my parents might be able to help in this respect. On a […]
Five Words That Move You Much Closer To Your Goals
When I’m tutoring a student in maths and we come across a difficult problem, I ask: “What if this was simpler?” I was helping an 8-year-old to practice dividing. The topic is fairly new to him. He tilted his head to consider the question “40 ÷ 5”. As he pondered it, I said: “James, what […]
These Beautiful Letters Will Help You Relax Into Your Own Skin
So you’ve heard a lot about the need to be kind to yourself. You have no idea how to actually do it. It’s not your fault. You’ve learnt from the culture we live in to blame yourselffor being lazy and undisciplined/wasting time on social media/not taking enough chances with your career/being a lousy parent/insert the many other failings you […]
What If This One Question Can Always Make You Feel Better?
It’s funny how the things we avoid the most — like moving our bodies, eating whole foods and finally doing our taxes — can help us the most. We tend to think of work as a burden and vacations as a reward. Our chores and to-do lists are to be tackled as quickly as possible, […]
It Pays Not To Do Your Best. Just Do.
A fellow tutor I deeply admire* said something to me a few weeks ago that has since stuck: anything worth doing is worth doing badly. It reminded me of some wise words my husband shared with me: 20 minutes of doing something is more valuable than 20 hours of thinking about doing something. Imagining you […]
Stress Can Be Your Ally
Try showing some appreciation for it If there’s one thing that strongly impacts the quality of your life every single day: it’s the stories you tell yourself. Changing the soundtracks that play in your head each day can help them serve you instead of bring you down. Storyplay brings you fresh idea to help you […]