Get less hangry and make more friends Despite the preponderance and popularity of cooking shows in the last decade, the prospect of spending an hour chopping and frying and standing next to a stove is enough to put many people off cooking entirely. Many of us found ourselves having to learn how to boil an […]
We All Secretly Want to Be Movie Stars
And other truths I learned by making tiny films. It started over a decade ago. One of my sisters came up with the idea to create a birthday video for one of my other sisters (I have a lot of sisters). It would contain personal messages from all our family and friends. I warmed to […]
Lessons From Penicillin, Butter Chicken And Natural Selection
The surprising power hidden in small things In maths, ‘small is powerful’ isn’t just a cliche, it’s a fact. Take the number 10 and place a small number two next to it. Raising it to this power immediately brings its value up to 100. This isn’t just true in the world of numbers. History has […]
Don’t Mind The Gap
Instead, choose to enjoy living in it Ira Glass, the American radio host, famously described what he called the taste gap, experienced by anyone who begins to do creative work. When you begin a creative endeavour, the contrast between the level of work you are producing at and the level you’d like to be at can […]