This Single Question Will Help You Feel Wealthy Right Now

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As I tried on several items from the clothing store my parents own, I marvelled at how I’d failed to notice the pretty things they sell.

It was almost summer. I’d been thinking my wardrobe could use an upgrade and hadn’t considered that my parents might be able to help in this respect. On a visit home, I realised they sold plenty of things I could use.

Sometimes the things we really want or need could be obtained in a way we might not expect. To uncover this, we need to ask the question:

“What do I have access to right now that I may be overlooking?”

Want to go on holiday but can’t afford an expensive trip abroad? Could you ask a friend about renting out her local Airbnb, maybe even at a discount?

Looking for a way to replace some of the old appliances in your kitchen? Gumtree and Facebook Marketplace are your friends — you’ll be surprised at the quality of items you can find on there at reasonable prices.

Trying to plan a great evening for your partner while staying on a budget? Pack a picnic basket with goodies from your store cupboard that you’ve been meaning to use for months. It’s a perfect chance to get creative with that jar of spicy pasta sauce.

The next time you catch yourself feeling tight and limited around money, ask this question and try to think as broadly as you can.

The message we get constantly on the news is that inflation is at an all-time high. While this is true, it discounts the fact that there are many treasures around you that remain unseen in the bustle of everyday life.

What can you borrow instead of buying?

Whom do you now who can help with something you need?

Is there a low-cost alternative to something you want? You’d be surprised at how often the answer is yes.

Notice the many things you have at your fingertips (or in your neighbourhood).

You have access to YouTube, which offers opportunities to stay fit, learn new skills and get some great personal development tips. You can never really get bored if you have access to the internet.

There are lots of websites that will help you find cheap or free things to do.

The local libraries and parks around you are a source of free therapy for your mind and your body.

Your home (no matter how small) is a great place to host an evening for a some of your family and/or friends.

Open your fridge or kitchen cupboard and you’ll probably find much more inside it then you can actually use.

Sometimes, if it looks as though you don’t have enough, you may just need to look again.

Posts created 12

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